Nowadays paper books are still used but e-books have appeared. E-book is a nice invention that will change the world of books: you can download books, modify it, write on it,etc. In my opinion paper books will never disappear because there will be always people who prefer paper books because of their special characteristics.
I would say that paper books can't be replaced by e-books because they have an special smell, touch an other characteristics which e-books could never have.
Furthermore, how will writers earn money if we are able to download books from Internet? That's a big problem to solve and there's just a solution: pay to download books. Although printers are going to be unnecessary so we have to think what's better for our society. I've decided what's better, and you?
In conclusion, it's clear that in some years e-books will be the usually way to read a book, but as I said those characteristics I said before are the essence of book and e-books will never have them.