Do you think Barça is going to win the league, the cup and the Champions?
The last matches show us a wonderful team that seems unwinnable and with players that score more goals than a whole team. So it seems that Barça has all in favour to win all the titles but as Guardiola said, we have to be prudent.
If nothing bad happens this year we will see Barça lifting up more than one cup.
We have already won the KIng's Cup and the league. Now there's just the Champions League left, but I'm sure we'll win in Rome!
see you:)
Of course!!!!!!
This question is evident!
This year Barça plays well and I hope its good luck doesn't finish.
We're the Champions...
This is an stupid question because Barcelona this year is the best football team of the world and they are playing excellent football. At this moment Guardiola's team has won the BBVA league, the King's cup and they are in the final of the CHAMPIONS league which is going to be celebrated in ROMA the next 27th of May.
So Barcelona will win the champions too.
CU champion
Do you think it's necessary to ask this? Of course I think they are going to win every trophy! =)
I've got an idea: we can go to a bar to watch the match Wednesday the 27th, what do you think?
vey good very good, you now have the league and the copa del rei. Even though you are wining everything this year I will always continue beong a Chelsea fan....
I agree with your idea Clàudia^^
See you!
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