Well, I'm going to tell you how to make a nice cheese cake. It's very fast to make it.
-4 eggs
-250g of sugar
-800g of cheese cream (Philadelphia)
-50g of flour
-Some cookies
-Some butter.
1. First of all you have to put the cookies and mush them very well.
2. Then add some butter to the cookies and mix it well, you can do it with the hands (it's easier).
3. Now you have to spread the mixture of cookies and butter to the base of the baking pan and put it in the fridge.
4. Put all the cheese in a pot, then add the sugar and mix it well (it's a bit difficult).
5. Now break the eggs inside the pot and mix it, you will see that the mixture will change her colour.
6. Then add the flour and mix it.
7. Take off the baking pan from the bridge.
8. Now you have to empty out the mixture to the baking pan and put it in the oven (the temperature of the oven has to be at 190 degrees).
9. The cake will be finished in 20-25 minutes.
Now, just enjoy it!
PD. You also can spread jam at the top of the cake.
wow, I've tasted many times this cake and it's delicious, you know we like it so much!
You could do one for today's dinner in Laura's house!lool
I'll see you at 8.30pm in Laura's house, don't be late!lool
I remember it! I tasted it in our school! It was when we were in fourth of ESO and your father prepared it to earn money to go to Italy!
I hope see you in Fortia's carnaval!
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