As you maybe know, Polònia is a comedy programme of TV3 where some actors mimic politicians of the Spanish and the Catalan government. It's very funny because they mimic the politicians very well and now when I saw the politicians on the TV they remember me their imitator. The principal actors are:
Queco Novell(as Maragall, Zapatero, Rajoy, Cuní, Laporta...), Cesc Casanovas(as Saura, Ferran Adrià, Rahola,Puigcercós, Nadal...), Bruno Oro( as Artur Mas, Acebes, Matías Prats, Aznar, Guardiola, Barack Obama), Manel Lucas (as Franco, Lluís Llach...), Xavier Noms, Xavier Serrano (as Piqué, Duran i Lleida, Herrera...), Gemma Deusedes (as Tura, Sonsoles...), Lulú Palomares(as Aguirre), Toni Albà(as Juan Carlos I, Papa...), David Olivares (as Hereu, Tomàs Molina...), Sergi Mas( as Montilla), Agnès Busquets (as Letizia, Terribas, Ruscalleda, Marina Geli...), Carlos Latre(as Pellicer, Jordi Pujol, Santi Santamaria, Messi, Hugo Chávez, Calderón...), Mireia Portas( as Mari Pau Huguet, Chacón, Raquel Sanz...).
You also can see the last programmes here
I think that it is one of the best comedy programmes of TV3. Crackòvia is the same type of programme but it only pay attention in sports.
Here you can see one of the latest personality that have been mimicked:
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