This weekend we played against Adepaf. Adepaf actually is the second in the general classification and we are the eighth so we went to the match without motivation because we thought that we will lose for sixty points. There was another problem: Roger was ill so we have only one base (Carles) to play the entire match. My coacher decided that I have to play as base and usually I play as centre. At the first quarter we lose 22-13 and my coacher was very angry because we weren't defending at all. At the second quarter we win for three points and the team were motivated with the match. At the third quarter we play very well and I did some nice baskets, but at the end of the quarter we lose by a difference of one point. In the last quarter the public were very nervous and you could hear the people whistling. Adepaf was very aggressive in that quarter and I received a lot of faults so I throw a lot of free throws. At two minutes to finish the match we were winning but finally Adepaf catch us and we lose for four points. In was a strong defeat but for us, lose for only four points against Adepaf is like a victory. I scored 27 points in the match, which is a nice score.
ooh, although they told me that you played very well, you finally lost the macth. What strange knowing that Margall plays there!jojoj You have to recognize that he is the best!xdd
take care:)
wow, now I've seen tthat Margall is in the photo, he is the number 13!
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