Well today I'm going to talk about the Large Hadrons Collider that is a particle accelerator built by CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), because I think that is an interesting thing.
It is situated at 175m under France and Switzerland and it’s 27km long. To understand what is a particle accelerator you have to know that matter is made by atoms and these are composed by electrons and have a nucleus with protons and neutrons. Now I can start telling you how it works: The investigators take the ions (that are atoms which have lost the electrons and have positive charge) of heavy metals as lead and they put it in a little accelerator, when the particle gets the velocity needed they put it in LHC. Then they take another particle and do the same. When the two particles are in LHC they crash and scientist propose is to see the elements which are made the protons that are the quarks which anybody have seen it yet. How they accelerate the particles? Inside LHC there are superconducting magnets. In addition when two particles crash there is a lot of energy so the LHC is covered by liquid helium that is at -272,2°C.
The scientist want to know which is the origin of the matter, the "God's particle".
Actually, LHC isn't working because on December 2008 they had an outflow of the liquid helium and they are repairing this.
I talk to you about this because I think that it's interesting to know that there is people that is working to discover the element which all of us are made of.